Minimal Pairs to the Max – Downloadalble


Minimal Pairs to the Max is a MUST for speech pathologists.


Highligh the difference between a current (error) and the target (correct) word

Use in auditory discrimination tasks for speech , but also for spelling.

Also useful for accent modification (particularly vowel pairs).

This is the downloadable version. You will be sent a link for downloading on payment. 

6 pairs per page arranged as…

  • 109 pages of consonant pairs (eg. bee vs. pea) including 25 pages of consonant vs. no consonant (eg. door vs. oar).
  • 42 pages of blend/cluster pairs (eg. grass vs glass) and blend vs. single consonant (eg . cab vs. crab).
  • 46 pages of vowel pairs (eg. warm vs worm)